Good physical condition isn’t as necessary as brain condition when you want to work as a programmer. To develop your skills you always must learn new stuff and perfect skills you that you to know. Today I want to show you some example exercises how to train your brain.
Think like a programmer
To solve problems quickly you must learn how to think like a programmer. Think how you can solve a problem, what tools and programming language features use. Usually given problem would have more than one solution. Think about more answer that solves your problem and pick the best one. You can improve your solution when you find a better idea. If you looking for problems to solve, you will find it on There are many exercises that you can make. Division because of level difficulty will help you choose task adjustment to your skill level. People in comment sharing with ideas how to solve given problem in many programming languages. Certainly, you will find an answer in language that you coding.
Work on your own project
Write your own application, website or program to learn more features of your programming language and practice things that you already know. You will see how many stuff you forget after learning in theory. Daily programming will help you to remember syntax and you will train how to using good programming principles in practice. If you don’t have an idea what you can do in your own project, just make a copy of something that you use. Your project doesn’t have to be innovative. You only writing this to practice programming.
Traning for programmer
This will help you to be a better programmer. You always must practice your knowledge and start thinking like a programmer. That isn’t difficult but require a lot of time.
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